Bug 3155 - The New Obconf is messing up rc.xml
Alias: None
Product: ObConf
Classification: Unclassified
Component: general
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC Linux
: P3 normal
Assignee: Tim Riley
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Reported: 2007-05-23 00:25 EDT by pibarnas
Modified: 2007-05-27 20:44:20 EDT
1 user (show)

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Description pibarnas 2007-05-23 00:25:58 EDT
When I open rc.xml in Gnome and edit it with gedit, everything's normal, indented. If I open the New OBconf that works with Openbox 3.4 Preview (3.3.991), and changes v.g. the theme, if I open rc.xml again, its indentation is absolutely messed up. It's hard to put another keyboard bindings for example after using Obconf.
Comment 1 Og Maciel 2007-05-24 00:27:21 EDT
I can confirm this symptom as well.  Didn't spend too much time reading the code but quoting libxml about the function xmlSaveFormatFile:  Note that @format = 1 provide node indenting only if xmlIndentTreeOutput = 1 or xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0) was called.  I have verified that xmlIndentTreeOutput is set to 1 in main.c (69)...  Not sure what else could be doing it to come out all mangled up.
Comment 2 Dana Jansens 2007-05-27 20:44:12 EDT
This is caused by errors in your xml file's structure. The default rc file in openbox 3.4 preview releases had such errors for a while.
Comment 3 Dana Jansens 2007-05-27 20:44:20 EDT