The id q3asm generated .map files by default. ioq3's q3asm requires the use of the -m argument to generate .map files. However, this is not mentioned in the online help for q3asm:
************ ERROR ************
Usage: q3asm [OPTION]... [FILES]...
Assemble LCC bytecode assembly to Q3VM bytecode.
-o OUTPUT Write assembled output to file OUTPUT.qvm
-f LISTFILE Read options and list of files to assemble from LISTFILE.q3as
-b BUCKETS Set symbol hash table to BUCKETS buckets
-v Verbose compilation report
-vq3 Produce a qvm file compatible with Q3 1.32b
-h --help -? Show this help
It would probably be trivial to add an extra line to that help screen/message, but stink at making diffs right now so I figure I'd bring it to someone's attention so they can spend the 30 seconds to fix it, heh.
I know that ioq3's makefile will generate qvms, but the -m option should still be documented.
I tested the compile under mingw, seems to work fine. I also moved the rest of the help message over to the left a bit; on an 80 column display, the message wrapped poorly.
If this doesn't work, I'll just attach the entire file. I tried creating unified diffs and patches but it basically rewrote two entire copies of the q3asm.c file and I don't think that's the kind of diff/patch that is wanted. Heck, I tried 3 different programs to make this; tortoisesvn, winmerge, and finally examdiff. Almost desperate enough to use linux in a VM!
Created attachment 1991[details]
jesus, have I finally learned how to make a patch correctly?
Ok, hey, I think I finally figured this out. Patch for q3asm.c which should fix up the help display.
Created attachment 1994[details]
fixed relative paths
thanks to kevlarman for educating me on where I should be running diffs and making patches (trunk root and not in the file's directory), this should be the last of these from me on this bug!
Comment 6Zachary J. Slater
2009-06-14 17:47:48 EDT
Created attachment 1982 [details] Diff for changes to q3asm.c Hopefully this is the kind of diff people are looking for?
Created attachment 1991 [details] jesus, have I finally learned how to make a patch correctly? Ok, hey, I think I finally figured this out. Patch for q3asm.c which should fix up the help display.
Created attachment 1992 [details] ok should be more fixed Hopefully this is the last update.
Created attachment 1994 [details] fixed relative paths thanks to kevlarman for educating me on where I should be running diffs and making patches (trunk root and not in the file's directory), this should be the last of these from me on this bug!