Bug 177 - Installer failing on Mandrake 9.0
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 147
Alias: None
Product: Unreal Tournament 2003
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Installer/Updater
Version: Full (Build 2107)
Hardware: PC Linux
: P1 blocker
Assignee: Ryan C. Gordon
QA Contact:
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-10-09 17:26 EDT by Alex Cruz
Modified: 2002-10-09 17:44:50 EDT
0 users

See Also:

Description Alex Cruz 2002-10-09 17:26:10 EDT
When trying to install the UT2003 on Linux Mandrake 9.0, the installer pops up
a box saying "Please mount the Unreal Tournament 2003 Play Disk CDROM. Choose
yes to retry, no to cancel" even though the cd is in the drive an mounted. I
cannot install this product at all. I tested this install under Linux Mandrake
8.2 and it completed in full.
Comment 1 Ryan C. Gordon 2002-10-09 17:44:50 EDT
You should check Bug #147 ... other valuable information is in:

  - Bug #145
  - Bug #167

We've been collating this information into the Linux Gamers' FAQ, since a
million distros have a million different problems with the installer. It sounds
like you're having trouble with SuperMount and/or have a shell sitting on the
mountpoint. Take a look at http://icculus.org/lgfaq/#install for more info.


*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 147 ***