Bug 2362 - [PATCH] Fix definition of Sys_LoadDll() in macosx_sys.m
Alias: None
Product: ioquake3
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Platform
Version: 1.33 SVN
Hardware: Macintosh MacOS X
: P2 normal
Assignee: Zachary J. Slater
QA Contact: ioquake3 bugzilla mailing list
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-09-03 06:48 EDT by Joshua Root
Modified: 2007-05-21 11:23:26 EDT
0 users

See Also:

the patch (784 bytes, patch)
2005-09-03 06:49 EDT, Joshua Root

Description Joshua Root 2005-09-03 06:48:20 EDT
The definition of Sys_LoadDll() in macosx_sys.m does not match the prototype in the header -- it uses 
int for some arguments rather than long. The attached patch changes the definition to match the 
Comment 1 Joshua Root 2005-09-03 06:49:24 EDT
Created attachment 776 [details]
the patch
Comment 2 Zachary J. Slater 2005-09-03 15:16:26 EDT
Thanks, applied.
Comment 3 Ryan C. Gordon 2007-05-21 11:23:26 EDT
Setting a QA contact on all ioquake3 bugs, even resolved ones. Sorry if you get a flood of email from this, it should only happen once. Apologies for the incovenience.
