Bug 2401 - Incorrect pointer arithmetic in CG_LoadClientInfo
Alias: None
Product: ioquake3
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Misc
Version: 1.33 SVN
Hardware: PC All
: P2 normal
Assignee: Tim Angus
QA Contact: ioquake3 bugzilla mailing list
URL: http://www.quakesrc.org/forums/viewto...
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-09-28 15:26 EDT by Tim Angus
Modified: 2007-05-21 11:23:05 EDT
0 users

See Also:

suggested fix (754 bytes, patch)
2005-10-23 12:43 EDT, Ludwig Nussel

Description Tim Angus 2005-09-28 15:26:44 EDT
See URL. I think the effects should be fairly innocuous, i.e. perhaps some
temporary player model weirdness, but no crashes AFAICS.
Comment 1 Ludwig Nussel 2005-10-23 12:43:21 EDT
Created attachment 799 [details]
suggested fix

will this fix it?
Comment 2 Tim Angus 2005-10-23 13:19:28 EDT
No, that would cause it to reset the same player entity every time. Fix in revision 176.
Comment 3 Ryan C. Gordon 2007-05-21 11:23:05 EDT
Setting a QA contact on all ioquake3 bugs, even resolved ones. Sorry if you get a flood of email from this, it should only happen once. Apologies for the incovenience.
