Bug 2464 - code/unix/Makefile copyfiles target uses hardcoded "linuxquake3"
Alias: None
Product: ioquake3
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Misc
Version: 1.33 SVN
Hardware: PC FreeBSD
: P2 normal
Assignee: Zachary J. Slater
QA Contact: ioquake3 bugzilla mailing list
URL: http://andreas.syndrom23.de/dump/code...
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-10-30 07:46 EST by Andreas Kohn
Modified: 2007-05-21 11:24:25 EDT
0 users

See Also:

Description Andreas Kohn 2005-10-30 07:46:53 EST
Two problems in copyfiles:
a) it should use $(PLATFORM)quake3 etc instead of hardcoding linux.
b) it should depend on build_release
[c) the patch also checks for baseq3 inside of COPYDIR, and removes the mkdir]

Bug refers to situation in svn revision 201.
Comment 1 Ryan C. Gordon 2007-05-21 11:24:25 EDT
Setting a QA contact on all ioquake3 bugs, even resolved ones. Sorry if you get a flood of email from this, it should only happen once. Apologies for the incovenience.
