Bug 3216 - Mouse cursor diseapear
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 2699
Alias: None
Product: Tremulous
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Misc
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC Linux
: P3 normal
Assignee: Tremulous Bugs
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Reported: 2007-06-09 05:35 EDT by Aldo
Modified: 2007-06-09 06:59:54 EDT
0 users

See Also:

Description Aldo 2007-06-09 05:35:02 EDT
I use Debian SID, with Debain package : Xorg 1:7.2-3 , tremulous :  1.1.0-3 .

when tremulous fail to download a map for exemple. the mouse cursor diseapear.

i need to start game and leave game to retreive it.
Comment 1 Tim Angus 2007-06-09 06:59:54 EDT

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 2699 ***