Bug 3435 - problem with window resize when using emacs
Alias: None
Product: Openbox
Classification: Unclassified
Component: general
Version: 3.4.4
Hardware: PC Linux
: P3 normal
Assignee: Dana Jansens
QA Contact:
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Reported: 2007-11-23 09:19 EST by Nico Golde
Modified: 2008-02-11 05:54:03 EST
0 users

See Also:

Description Nico Golde 2007-11-23 09:19:28 EST
this came through the Debian BTS:
open two emacs buffers, do "M-x ediff-buffers".  Now try to hit "?"                                                                                                     
while the little ediff window has focus.  It is supposed to resize itself to a larger size with help information and back to the minimal size, but instead it jumps around like a rodeo bull.
Comment 1 Dana Jansens 2008-01-11 10:07:34 EST
um, i don't know what version of emacs this is ?

i don't have an edit-buffers command in emacs21 or in emacs-snapshot
Comment 2 Nico Golde 2008-01-11 10:29:41 EST
This is ediff-buffers not edit-buffers
Comment 3 Dana Jansens 2008-01-11 10:31:43 EST
aha my bad :$
Comment 4 Dana Jansens 2008-01-11 10:40:17 EST
with emacs21 and emacs-snapshot, i am trying this but the window is not resizing.  when i hit "?", one of the buffers just changes to have the help text in it
Comment 5 Nico Golde 2008-01-11 10:54:59 EST
(In reply to comment #4)
> with emacs21 and emacs-snapshot, i am trying this but the window is not
> resizing.  when i hit "?", one of the buffers just changes to have the help
> text in it

Thanks dana, I forward this to the reporter and ask for more input.
Comment 6 Dana Jansens 2008-01-11 11:44:01 EST
also, are you sure of the version? there were some serious fixes for this emacs resizing problem during the 3.4 series
Comment 7 Nico Golde 2008-01-11 11:52:18 EST
(In reply to comment #6)
> also, are you sure of the version? there were some serious fixes for this emacs
> resizing problem during the 3.4 series

Yep its openbox 3.4.4, at least the version information in http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=452532 does say so
Comment 8 Dana Jansens 2008-01-11 14:54:59 EST
i found how to get the ediff window from another bug report,

M-x ebuffers

however, when I hit '?' with emacs-snapshot-gtk and with emacs21, i don't get anything weird, it just resizes and works.
Comment 9 Nico Golde 2008-01-11 22:16:36 EST
Thanks for testing! Did you also give emacs22 a try? The submitter may used it because if you install emacs it will install emacs22. I hope the submitter will soon provide more information directly to this bug tracker.
Comment 10 Dana Jansens 2008-01-11 23:17:50 EST
ah, they must be using emacs22, there is an ediff-buffers command and it works like they said.

however, the bug still does not appear..
Comment 11 Dana Jansens 2008-01-11 23:20:45 EST
i also tried emacs22-gtk.  it is a little weird but it works correctly, just slow to go from the help window back to the small one.
Comment 12 Nico Golde 2008-01-13 14:02:34 EST
reply by the submitter:
Nico> Hi Ian, can you please provide more feedback on this.  I forwarded
Nico> this to the upstream author but unfortunately he was not able to
Nico> reproduce this.  Quoting: "with emacs21 and emacs-snapshot, i am
Nico> trying this but the window is not resizing.  when i hit "?", one
Nico> of the buffers just changes to have the help text in it"

That sounds like he's using the default configuration, which is what
I did as a workaround.  I.e. his ediff control buffer is in a subwindow
of the normal Emacs window.

The bug appears when you customize ediff-window-setup-function to use
multiple windows ("frames" in Emacs terminology).
Comment 13 Dana Jansens 2008-01-13 21:15:49 EST
when she used the "ebuffers" command though, the ediff window did show up as a separate window, with just a short "press ? for help" type message.  pressing this did make her window resize correctly without any weird behavior..

perhaps you could provide information for me such as:
emacs version (including distribution)
openbox version
.emacs and .emacs.d files
anything else you can think of

cuz if i cant reproduce it, i will never be able to try fix it.

Comment 14 Nico Golde 2008-02-11 05:54:03 EST
Hi Dana,
have a look at:
the bug reporter submitted version information and configuration file.