Created attachment 2110[details]
Quoting from the Debian bug report:
I finally made a patch to make MoveResize understand
BelowCenter/AboveCente/LeftOfCenter/RightOfCenter. With this, moving a
window to a certain quadrant of the screen is trivial:
<keybind key="C-A-q">
<keybind key="1">
<action name="MoveResizeTo">
<keybind key="2">
<action name="MoveResizeTo">
<keybind key="3">
<action name="MoveResizeTo">
<keybind key="4">
<action name="MoveResizeTo">
Together with the GrowTo(...) actions, this can be used to emulate
something like tiling, which is great for people with big screens.
If you could include this (or a variant of this patch), I would be very
happy. This, obviously, should also be forwarded to upstream after it
was fixed to match any possibly existing coding conventions.
Can you guys please consider including the patch?
Is there a new openbox release planned in the near future? Otherwise I'd probably include the patch in the Debian package for now.
Created attachment 2110 [details] moveToQuadrants.patch Quoting from the Debian bug report: I finally made a patch to make MoveResize understand BelowCenter/AboveCente/LeftOfCenter/RightOfCenter. With this, moving a window to a certain quadrant of the screen is trivial: <keybind key="C-A-q"> <keybind key="1"> <action name="MoveResizeTo"> <x>LeftOfCenter</x> <y>AboveCenter</y> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="2"> <action name="MoveResizeTo"> <x>RightOfCenter</x> <y>AboveCenter</y> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="3"> <action name="MoveResizeTo"> <x>RightOfCenter</x> <y>BelowCenter</y> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="4"> <action name="MoveResizeTo"> <x>LeftOfCenter</x> <y>BelowCenter</y> </action> </keybind> </keybind> Together with the GrowTo(...) actions, this can be used to emulate something like tiling, which is great for people with big screens. If you could include this (or a variant of this patch), I would be very happy. This, obviously, should also be forwarded to upstream after it was fixed to match any possibly existing coding conventions. Can you guys please consider including the patch? Is there a new openbox release planned in the near future? Otherwise I'd probably include the patch in the Debian package for now. Cheers Nico